April 17, 2020

The Second Serving of Easter Fish

Pixabay / Public Domain.

For Easter Friday

Christ raised his beloved friend Lazarus from the dead.

Shortly thereafter came Christ’s messianic Palm Sunday procession into the nation’s capital.

Then, his Last Supper, arrest in Gethsemane, interrogations by the nation’s High Priest, elders, Roman governor, King Herod, his crucifixion and now his resurrection!

After that whirlwind of dramas, suddenly in today’s Gospel we see what starts out as the return of something relatively ordinary in the lives of the apostles.

The apostle Peter decides to go fishing.

He used to make his living doing so.

After his rabbi rose from the dead and turned out to be not merely the Messiah but the Lord God himself, Peter going fishing seems banal and anticlimactic.

Was it an accident that he caught nothing at all that whole night, or was that God’s plan?

No matter what the case might have been, what followed at dawn was no accident.

The Risen Christ, whom Peter and his fellow disciples do not recognize, calls out to them from the shore.

He does not call out to them as “men” or “friends” or “brothers.”

Rather, he calls out, “Children....”

With the knowing stance of Lord God and Father, he calls to them as to children.

This Gospel will continue tomorrow and show us the fatherly plan Christ has for the vocation of Peter.

For now, Christ asks these fishermen, “Children, have you caught anything to eat?”


So. their plans and efforts have failed again— their earlier messianic aspirations about Christ, and now their plan to go back to ordinary fishing— all their plans have failed.

Now Christ takes over their lives once more.

He commands them where to cast the net, and he states as a fact that they shall have a catch.

They obey without speaking.

Right away they pull in an overwhelming catch.

It wakes up one man, the disciple whom Christ had touched with his love.

Waking up, he says to Peter, “It is the Lord.”

When they get to shore, they find Christ has no need for their miraculous success, because he already has fish cooking on a fire, and he has bread.

Nonetheless, he commands them to bring over some of their catch.

They obey in silence.

The Gospel reports no words as they watch him prepare and cook the fish for them.

Also, it seems they stand away from him, because the Gospel reports he “came over” to give them the bread, and that he did so again to give them the fish he cooked.

Among them is Thomas, who had put into words the knowledge they all have now: “My Lord and my God!”

On the day he rose from the dead, their Lord and their God fed them the Holy Spirit with his own breath.

Their Lord and their God, risen from the dead, is now cooking their breakfast for them and serving it to them.

Perhaps they remember now with shock that at his Last Supper with them their Lord and their God had washed their feet.

Their own ideas and plans about him failed.

Their own ideas and plans about ordinary fishing have failed.

Now they let him ask the questions, they let him take command, they let him go into action, and they wait for him to speak.

He called them “children.”

He knew they needed him to be a father.

They need everything he does.

Apart from him they can do nothing.

That’s what he said to them at his Last Supper in this Gospel [15:5] on the night one of their own betrayed him.

Apart from him they can do nothing; but abiding in him, and he in them, they can bear much fruit or net an overwhelming catch.

The overwhelmingly successful catch they have made is due not to their own efforts in the dark of night, for on their own they have failed.

They owe their miraculous success to the dawning of his presence, fatherly concern, command, and their childlike obedience even without being awake to his presence and identity.

Christ will go on to command more from them, beginning with Peter, more than their own plans and their own strength can conceive and realize apart from childlike obedience to him as their father.

He himself, Christ, called his own resurrection an act of obedience to a mission he received from his Father in the power of the Holy Spirit.

He said so in his first words to them after his resurrection [20:21-22].

“As the FATHER has SENT me,
even so I SEND you.”
And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them,
“Receive the Holy Spirit.”

Christ rose from the dead because the Father sent him in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Like his own Father, Christ also sends his “children” in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Only the work and the will of Christ with the power of the Holy Spirit that he himself, like a father, prepares and feeds to them in his Body and Blood, only that can bring from their childlike obedience a mighty catch and abundant fruit where mere human plans and efforts are doomed to fail.

On the day we recalled the resurrection of Christ, how right and necessary that we renewed the promises of the Baptism most of us received as children.

May we abide committed to him as he abides committed Bodily to us in the Blood and Spirit of the new and everlasting covenant.

Turn. Love. Repeat.