Each day in my
monastery, a different one among our priests takes a turn composing the general
intercessions, presiding and preaching at Mass.
With slight variations depending on the Gospel of the day, here are the
intercessions I have been providing when it is my turn.
Heavenly Father, in
this difficult time, come to the help of our fathers in the Church, Pope
Francis and all bishops,
we pray to You, Lord.
For all who are
still waiting for Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist....
Strengthen us in
living our Baptismal covenant and our monastic covenant....
For healing of the
sick, for good health and for protection from illness and injury....
Give quick success
to our search for lifesaving therapies and treatments for those who are sick....
For those who risk
themselves to serve the welfare of others in any way....
For the homeless,
the hungry and all the poor....
For all who are
bereaved, frightened and sad....
For the elderly and
all who are alone because of medical isolation, especially those who are dying....
Grant to all souls
eternal rest and perpetual light....