June 06, 2020

In the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

For the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

God is Love.

Those words— GOD IS LOVE— those words cannot be absolutely true if God is not three persons.

How is that?

Love is a relationship.

If God is just one person, then where is the relationship?

We might try to say, “God loves us; so, God is love.”

However, if God is not able to be love without US … that’s no GOD at all.

God is Love … a relationship … between at least two persons … two persons in God.

However, that is not enough.

The Bible names THREE persons in God.

God is Love in THREE persons.

Why not just two persons who love each other?

Why is Almighty, Eternal, Living Love THREE persons?

Let’s consider the words the Bible gives us: Father, Son, Spirit.

The Trinity in Itself

A “father” is someone who gives his very self as a fountain of life.

In the LIFE of God— in God’s own LIFE— there is a person who is the FATHER, someone who GIVES, someone whose GIVING is so total, so absolute that it is alive: the SON.

The Gospels show that, when it comes to the heavenly Father, the personality of Jesus is total gratitude, absolute gratitude to the Father.

To speak of “God the Son” is to say that GRATITUDE for the Father’s self giving— GRATITUDE in God— is also an absolute, a living person: THE SON— Gratitude in Person.

The Father and the Son— the GIVER and the THANKSGIVER— the Father and the Son live for each other.

However, their embrace, their love for each other is not closed in on itself.

Their shared giving is absolutely open-ended.

Both of them give.

None of them needs or takes anything back.

Their communion of surrender for each other is a living absolute: THE SPIRIT.

If there is not a Trinity— if there is not God the Father and Son and Holy Spirit— then there can be no one and nothing worth recognizing as God, for such a one could not be absolute in anything.

Not absolute in SELF-GIVING.

Not absolute in THANKSGIVING.

Not absolute in the COMMUNION of giving and gratitude.

The truth is that God is Father and Son and Spirit.

The Father: absolute self-giving.

The Son: absolute thanksgiving.

The Spirit: absolute communion of self-giving and thanksgiving.

This is the truth of the living God, absolute love BEFORE and WITHOUT the created universe.

God is Love— before and without the created universe … before and without us.

God is Love.

The Trinity for Us Men and for Our Salvation

We are baptized into the Trinity, baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

The saving Trinity is what the Son of God was born on earth to reveal and make present in the Flesh and Blood of our humanity.

The Trinity is the saving truth that Christ lived.

It is the saving truth in which he suffered and died.

The saving truth in which he rose from the dead.

The Father and Son and Spirit are revealed, present and at work in the Flesh and Blood of our humanity, for us men and for our salvation— and for the glory of God.

The man born in a stable and risen from the dead in a garden is the Way of God, the Truth of God and the Life of God in human Flesh and Blood.

He is the Flesh and Blood of the heavenly Father’s self-giving love for his children.

Christ is gratitude to the Father, gratitude in Flesh and Blood.

Christ is Flesh and Blood communion with the Father in one Spirit.

We call this Flesh and Blood “Eucharist”, a Greek word meaning “thankfulness, gratefulness, gratitude.”

The Son of God is “Eucharist”— “gratefulness” in person, eternal gratefulness to the Father.

We also call this Flesh and Blood “Holy Communion,” because the Father and the Son are TOGETHER, bringing us into their COMMUNION of one Spirit of Life and Thanksgiving.

We now celebrate this Flesh and Blood in which we receive our salvation.


Turn. Love. Repeat.