March 19, 2020

The Holy Gospel According to Joseph

"The Anxiety of Saint Joseph," by J. Tissot. Brooklyn Museum / Public Domain.

The Virgin Mary’s pregnancy is clear.

Joseph knows, but says nothing to Mary and asks her nothing.

He simply and silently decides to quietly call off the wedding.

At that point of decision, an angel of the Lord breaks in upon Joseph’s silence and his sleep.

Joseph, son of David,
do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home,
For it is through the Holy Spirit
that this child has been conceived in her.
She will bear a son....

Then the angel commands Joseph to break his silence.

YOU are to name him Jesus [which means “God is salvation”],
because he will save his people from their sins.

As the husband of Mary, Joseph will obey the word of God, and serve legally as the father of Mary’s son.

Thus, it would fall to Joseph to make the public, legal designation of the child’s name.

His name will be Jesus [which means, “God is salvation”].

The Gospel does not tell us of any other words Joseph ever spoke.

We may nonetheless be sure that he publicly declared aloud, “His name will be Jesus.”

With that one short phrase, Joseph was the first human being to sum up the Gospel.

His name will be Jesus [which means, “God is salvation”].

Joseph is the first man to announce the good news— THE GOSPEL— in Israel: THIS CHILD IS OUR SAVING GOD.

We worship the God Man in his flesh and blood.

Jesus is our saving God in his Eucharistic flesh and blood, swelling the world with salvation, just as once he swelled the womb of the Virgin Mary in the watchful care of St. Joseph.